• Descriptive profiles of production lots, potential blends, & finished wines
  • Tasting programs designed for growers, winemakers & their associates
  • Innovative/customized methods for generating wine descriptions
  • Training and incorporating sensory evaluation techniques and practices into production and vineyard trials
  • Identify characteristics specific to individual sites and viticultural areas
  • Workshops for production, hospitality, marketing, and sales


Some tools for descriptive tasting

Given the importance of matching site, style, and vinification, having the right sensory evaluation tools is key. Generating accurate descriptions of wines requires the appropriate sensory practices. And to do this successfully, the results need to be expressed in commonly understood language.

"Barbara's work in sensory evaluation has put the principles of sensory science in a form understood by industry. She has the ability to de-mystify science-based sensory evaluation techniques and procedures, effectively bridging the gap between pure and applied science. Her communications skills, enthusiasm and motivation, coupled with her technical knowledge make her an effective consultant. Barbara has certainly produced some outstanding wines. And her international experience brings a global perspective." - Bruce Zoecklein, Emeritus Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Profiling zinfandel from different AVAs

"I've tasted wine professionally with Barbara for over 30 years and she's as good as it gets. She not only has a sensitive palate, a broad "library" of tastes in her memory, and a good eye for the subtleties of texture and style; more importantly, she helps those around her taste better and smarter. What she does best is communicate about tasting. I always learn something new when I taste with Barbara."
- Michael Kinney, Wine Copy Writer, Wordwright


Aroma references from the real world


An example of her approach to sensory evaluation is Barbara's use of aroma references that can be found around the house…or garden…or woods...just about anywhere. These references also have the advantage of being visual cues - reinforcing memory.

"Barbara Lindblom, who teaches sensory evaluation, is dedicated to getting to the heart of wine aromas, offered the perfect link between food and wine with her large and hugely popular aroma reference table (in the format of Ann Noble's wine aroma wheel). She takes the smell sensations that wine pros often refer to and breaks them down to their original scent. So, for example, she put rose petals in a wine glass, rose oil infused in wine in another glass, and in a third glass, a wine that seems to have a rose or floral scent." - Kathleen Buckley, journalist, Wine Enthusiast Magazine




Barbara also has a unique and down-to earth protocol to help clarify the complex world of wine mouthfeel. She uses mouthfeel references to demonstrate the individual sensations, tea to demonstrate the complex characteristics of mouthfeel, and Vedel's Mouthfeel Triangle to provide some vocabulary for these sensations in the context of wine.


Vedel mouthfeel graphic
translated by B. Lindblom & D. Blackburn
Quotes from Napa Valley College students - after a "Tea & Grocery" lecture and workshop:

"Thank you so much for all of the information. Your teaching should be a requirement for all wine lovers. Hopefully, we can get together and have you visit Conn Creek."
"We tried sensory evaluation on everything we ate or drank for days!"
"Treat presentation! What I have been looking for! Thanks for your time & expertise."
"Thank you! My pallet will never be the same."

Vineyard profiling at Gary Farrell Winery

These tools have been used for training growers, winemakers and their staff, students and tasting panels, to help them evaluate production and vineyard trials, generate sensory profiles of individual vineyard blocks and wine lots - as well as numerous other applications to evaluate blends, vinification treatments, and the characteristics of different AVAs.

"I've asked Barbara to do various training sessions for my team and myself - utilizing her for analytical sensory techniques for tasting and evaluating wines and winemaking protocols. Barbara is constantly experimenting to add even more layers of complexity to the wine while maintaining balance. She has given me the knowledge and help to create wines that evoke the purest expression that all the best my vineyards have to offer." - Susan Reed, Winemaker, Gary Farrell Winery